Quxiang Fm
Type Locality and Naming
South Tibet next to Nepal. The Quxiang Fm was named by MaoYanshi in 1985. The type section is in Youyiqiao-Rouqie Village, Nyalam County, Tibet. Lower formation in Nyalam Gr.
Synonym: (曲乡组)
Lithology and Thickness
Lower part of Nyalam Gr (Quxiang Fm) is dominated by different gneisses of mostly metamorphosed greywacke and mudstone. The Quxiang Fm is subdivided into lower and upper parts. Lower part is composed of kyanite biotite schist, garnet-bearing biotite-quartz schist intercalated with garnet-biotite-plagioclase leptite , two-mica quartz schist. Upper part is garnet-bearing two-mica quartz schist, with quartzite and biotite plagioclase leptite. The thickness varies from 2400 m to over 5970 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Bottom is not seen.
Upper contact
It is in conformable contact with the overlying Jiangdong Fm.
Regional extent
South Tibet next to Nepal. The formation spreads in Nyalam County and Dashiqi of Zhaxian County.
Depositional setting
From mindat.org: classic leptite has been interpreted as tectonized quartzo-feldspathic volcanic rocks
Additional Information